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Launched in 2023, Tradezy is the leading platform for global wholesale trade. We serve millions of buyers and suppliers around the world.
While "Tradezy" our retail and B2B platform, is aimed at the use of AUDcoin, purchases can also be made via normal channels. e.g., debit or credit cards. The customer receives a greater reward when the transaction is completed with AUDcoin. To encourage the acceptance of AUDcoin, the retailer also receives a reward in AUDcoin.

The use of our community coin “AUDcoin” on our Retail Platform (Tradezy) will greatly reduce fees and allow people to trade easily allowing funds to flow freely throughout the Ecosystem, unlike what happens in our current economy where money seems to bottleneck and filter away to big corporations. 
With blockchain technology’s competitive advantage and our low fees, we expect the platform to revolutionize.

Tradezy will have a module APICART, where you can manage all of your stores from a single location! Our APICART lets you connect to other marketplaces, allowing Tradezy store owners to run all their stores from one central place. Our APICART allows the importation and exportation of data. "Product, user, and order-related data". This not only lets a user run their current stores but also makes it easy to set up a new store on enabled platforms by populating a new store with product data.

Tradezy Tasker
Tradezy will have a service component. This Tasker service will allow users to buy and sell services ranging from web-related services to Trade-related services. Users can pay in our native currency or choose to use FIAT. Taskers will be rated and we will recommend services to our Tradezy Store owners should they need them. While services are part of Tradezy it is also a stand-alone platform that has an APP that can be used to pay people as work is completed. For example, a plumber or a cleaner. For the convenience of our taskers, the services/tasker platform is connected directly, just like Tradezy to our exchange, so funds can be taken out or swapped for the currency of choice.

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