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Privacy and Policy

What Personal Information About Customers Does Tradezy Collect?
We collect your personal information in order to provide and continually improve our products and services.
Here are the types of personal information we collect:
Information You Give Us: We receive and store any information you provide in relation to Tradezy Services. You can choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to take advantage of many of our Tradezy services.
Tradezy Information: We automatically collect and store certain types of information about your use of Tradezy Services, including information about your interaction with products, content and services available through Tradezy Services. Like many websites, we use "cookies" and other unique identifiers, and we obtain certain types of information when your web browser or device accesses Tradezy uses cameras, computer vision, sensors, and other technology to gather information about your activities in the store, such as the products and services you interact with. Click here to see examples of what we collect.
We might receive information about you from other sources, such as updated delivery and address information from our carriers, which we use to correct our records and deliver your next purchase more easily.
For What Purposes Does Tradezy Use Your Personal Information?
We use your personal information to operate, provide, develop, and improve the products and services that we offer our customers. These purposes include
purchase and delivery of products and services. We use your personal information to take and handle orders, deliver products and services, process payments, and communicate with you about orders, products and services, and promotional offers.
Tradezy Services are provided, troubleshooted, and improved.We use your personal information to provide functionality, analyse performance, correct errors, and improve the Tradezy Services' usability and effectiveness.
Recommendations and personalization. We use your personal information to recommend features, products, and services that might be of interest to you, identify your preferences, and personalize your experience with Tradezy Services.
They provide voice, image, and camera services. When you use our voice, image, and camera services, we use your voice input, images, videos, and other personal information to respond to your requests, provide the requested service to you, and improve our services. For more information about Alexa voice services, click here.
Comply with legal obligations. In certain cases, we collect and use your personal information to comply with the law. For instance, we collect from sellers' information regarding place of establishment and bank account information for identity verification and other purposes.
communicate with you. We use your personal information to communicate with you in relation to Tradezy Services via different channels (e.g., by phone, email, chat).
AdvertisingWe use your personal information to display interest-based ads for features, products, and services that might be of interest to you. We do not use information that personally identifies you to display interest-based ads. To learn more, please read our Interest-Based Ads notice.
Fraud Prevention and Credit Risks. Tradezy uses personal information to prevent and detect fraud and abuse in order to protect the security of our customers, Tradezy, and others. We may also use scoring methods to assess and manage credit risks.
What About Cookies and Other Identifiers?
To enable our systems to recognise your browser or device and to provide and improve Tradezy services, we use cookies and other identifiers. For more information about cookies and how we use them, please read our Cookies Notice.
Does TradeZy Share Your Personal Information?
Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling our customers' personal information to others. We share customers' personal information only as described below and with subsidiaries that Tradezy, Inc. controls that either are subject to this Privacy Notice or follow practises at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Notice.
Transactions with Third Parties: We make services, products, applications, or skills provided by third parties available to you for use on or through Tradezy Services.For example, you can order products from third parties through our stores; download applications from third-party application providers from our App Store; and enable third-party skills through our Alexa services. We also offer services or sell product lines jointly with third-party businesses, such as co-branded credit cards. You can tell when a third party is involved in your transactions, and we share customers' personal information related to those transactions with that third party.
Third-Party Service Providers: We employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include fulfilling orders for products or services; delivering packages; sending postal mail and email; removing repetitive information from customer lists; analysing data; providing marketing assistance; providing search results and links (including paid listings and links); processing payments; transmitting content; scoring, assessing, and managing credit risk; and providing customer service. These third-party service providers have access to personal information needed to perform their functions but may not use it for other purposes.
Business Transfers: As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy other businesses or services. In such transactions, customer information is generally one of the transferred business assets but remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing Privacy Notice (unless, of course, the customer consents otherwise). Also, in the unlikely event that Tradezy, Inc. or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information will, of course, be one of the transferred assets.
Tradezy and Others: We release account and other personal information when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law, enforce or apply our Conditions of Use and other agreements, or protect Tradezy, our users, or others' rights, property, or safety.This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
Other than as set out above, you will receive notice when personal information about you might be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.
What Information Can I Access?
You can access your information, including your name, address, payment options, profile information, Prime membership, household settings, and purchase history in the "Your Account" section of the website.
Conditions of Use, Notices, and Revisions
If you choose to use Tradezy Services, your use and any dispute over privacy is subject to this notice and our conditions of use, including limitations on damages, resolution of disputes, and application of the law of the state of Washington. If you have any concerns about privacy at Tradezy, please contact us with a thorough description, and we will try to resolve it. Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Notice will change also. You should check our websites frequently to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information that we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.

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